Industry Leader Award
- Displayed leadership qualities such as initiative, accountability, and willingness to take on responsibilities within the organization.
- Served as a positive role model for other team members, inspiring them to actively engage and contribute to the organization's mission and vision
- Consistent dedication and commitment to the mission, goals, and values of the organization, contributing time, effort, and resources to its success.
- Collaboration with other members, teams, or committees to achieve common goals and enhance the overall effectiveness of the organization.
- Conducted themselves with professionalism, integrity, and respect towards other members and stakeholders of the organization.
Essential Information
- Before applying, please ensure you read the Terms and Conditions
- When requested, please enter your full contact information. This information is used to contact you or to create other material in relation to your application (certificates, trophies etc.)
- LEEA reserves the right to withdraw this award and reinstate this category the following year in the event that nominations are insufficient or unsuitable